Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Tune Inn: Kinda Tone Deaf

I have to admit up front that I was not in the most social mood when I attended this week's happy hour. I was exhausted and struggling to keep my eyes open. So this review is admittedly tainted by my bias. Accept my apologies and feel free to correct/add your own views.

I was disappointed to learn that, despite what I had read, Tune-Inn did not have an old fashioned jukebox. Or cheap PBR pitcher specials. Or line dancing. It did, however, live up to its billing as the taxidermy capital of, well, at least Capitol Hill. It also had pretty terrible food -- my Chicken Parm sub tasted like rubber chicken with ketchup on it. But others did enjoy their pastrami, so perhaps I picked the wrong meat.

I can see this bar being a great post-work, have one drink and go home type of place. But after a few hours, it started to feel cramped. The seats are close together and the scenery doesn't change. But one unique thing about this place, which may be true of all bars on Capitol Hill, was that the bathroom graffiti was not your typical "for a good time call" or "paul wuz here." Instead, the vast majority of it covered various political issues. Examples included "Waterboard Cheney," "review the Constitution," and "3 times national debt, regulatory lapses." And so on.

I left quite early because I am a loser, but a few folks stayed behind to finish off the pitchers. I'm told they then headed to My Brother's Place for some beer pong before calling it a night. All in all low key evening, but I think most everyone else had a good time. I'm curious why Capitol Hill seems to always be a low point of our bar tour.

All-stars of the evening: Lauren P. and Julie D., who took advantage of school being out for the summer (they're teachers), to bless us with their presence, obtain the 3rd highest score in photo hunt, and for repeatedly trying to lick Greg's face.

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